PenGuins CLASS
18 Months - 2 years
What we offer
In the Penguin Class your toddler will be stimulated aged appropriately while at the same time learning to socialize, building confidence and independence, learning new skills, and focusing on effective communication. We concentrate on each child’s individual capabilities, guiding and shaping our penguins while we build and grow their skills.
Our emotionally supportive environment is secure, kept clean and sanitized throughout and is developmentally stimulating, giving your little explorer all the tools to thrive.
Activities Offered
- Free play (Indoor & outdoor)
- Story time
- Rest time / nap time
- Fine motor activities
- Water play
- Quarterly Educational Shows
- Educational Toys
- Morning ring
- Sensory play
- Gross motor activities
- Co-curricular Musical Child music lessons
- Class lesson and art activity
Best Buddies to supply:
- Cooked breakfast
- Cooked lunch
Parents to Supply:
Nappies / bum cream & wipes comfort toy if applicable
Formula & bottles / breastmilk comfort toy if applicable
Dummy / teether/ comfort toy if applicable
Mid morning & afternoon snack
1x complete set of clean clothes
NB: Please ensure all personal items are marked clearly