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Best Buddies Educare Centre

All About May 2021

All About May 2021

May is the month of International Family Day. Celebrate this with your loved ones and cherish the moments you have with them.
Family is a support system that will always be with us.
Whether it is a nuclear family, a single-parent household, or a big joint family, they are the ones that will love you the most, (no-matter what you have done or who you are.

Every year, May 15th is the day to celebrate International day of families. Let’s use this month to show a little more love.

Best Buddies blog

Best Buddies blog

This month, we are super proud to officially send out our first Best Buddies Educare Centre blog, packed with great information, and fun ideas to keep parents informed and your young ones happy, healthy and fit.

With winter approaching, we figured that now is the time to boost your little one’s immune system with ideas to pack in their lunchboxes or as healthy snacks in between meal times, to keep them satisfied, regardless of their personal tastes.

Best Buddies may blog

Kids can be extremely sneaky when it comes to food that they don’t want to eat and they manage to hide the unwanted snacks in innovative ways. The key to getting your children to eat healthy foods is to make their meals fun, tasty and kid friendly!

So forget boring old lunchbox/meal time ideas, here are some super easy snacks that your kids will love to eat! This food is easy, fun, wholesome and will be the highlight of your Buddie’s day! So grab those lunch boxes, get to the kitchen and let’s get started!

First, let us start with some key tips to packing a nutritious Best Buddies lunchbox:


Best Buddies May Blog

Packing a main dish consisting of a protein ensures that your child is getting something healthy that will keep them full until the end of their school day.

Example: Cold meats like ham, peanuts, mixed nuts, chicken, Vienna, biltong, dried wors and bacon.

Best Buddies blog may

Best Buddies blog may

Best Buddies blog may

Fruit & Veg

Packing a main dish consisting of a protein ensures that your child is getting something healthy that will keep them full until the end of their school day.

Example: Cold meats like ham, peanuts, mixed nuts, chicken, Vienna, biltong, dried wors and bacon.


Best Buddies may blog

Calcium is vital for strong bones and teeth, especially while your little ones are still growing and is great for rounding off the perfect meal.

Example:  Yoghurt and different kinds of cheeses like sweet-milk cheese wedges.

A Sweet Element

Best Buddies blog

Although everything must be given in moderation a little something sweet will put a smile on your kids face! It doesn’t have to be chocolate or actual sweets, so give them a sugared fruit stick. Kids think they are getting a sweet treat when in fact its packed full of all the good stuff!

Example: Dried cranberries, raisons, fruit squares, and dried mangoes.

Now you have a formula to work from and it makes packing lunchboxes or serving healthy meals easy, even if time is not on your side and you have to do it in a hurry! With every publication I will show you a fun, easy recipe to make, that will keep the kiddies happy and gives mom the security of knowing they are healthy foods that will help your kid grow and ward off those nasty bugs that cause infections as well as colds and flu!

Sending the little ones off with wholesome nibbles and a few special delights to keep tummies full all day is simple and easy. Here is my first recipe and do not worry there are still loads to come, so there’s plenty to get excited about!

Here is my take on a DELICIOUS, HEALTHY and EASY to make meal for any time of the day

Best Buddies blog
Best Buddies
Chicken Pesto Wrap


Step 1

Mix together the shredded chicken, soured cream, yogurt or mayonnaise with the pesto. Season.

Step 2

Lay a slice of cheese on each wrap, then divide the chicken mixture between them. Sprinkle with red pepper or sweetcorn, then top with the lettuce leaves. Be careful not to overfill or it will be tricky to contain all the filling. Wrap and roll each one, then pack in a lunchbox or tightly wrap in foil and enjoy.

What Else Happened In May?

We Got Our New Jungle Gym.

Our Kiddies (and Staff) are ecstatic about the build of our new play-centre. The new jungle-gym is built with our little Best Buddies in-mind. It  has been designed to include all the necessary elements for brain activity and exercise, and that stimulates all there senses for growth and development. We have included obstacles that will challenge and develop their balance, flexibility and core strength.

Our New Website

2021 Brings a lot of change to our little growing school and with some of that change, comes our awesome brand new website. Here you can find all the info about our school and our Blog page will keep you up-to-date with all of our new and exciting programs, activities and developments, so make sure you subscribe and look out for our newsletters and blog articles.

There you have it! I hope you enjoyed our first edition. I can’t wait to share some more information and fun ideas with you to keep the kiddies busy, happy, healthy and excited!

Our Sponsors

Cape Town

Do you want to make a difference in your community, Do you know about our Best Buddies Educational Trust? Learn more about this fantastic initiative that will help an underprivileged child from our local community get 3 daily meals, and a great start to life. Click here to see more.

Lizl Zandberg

Lizl is our friendly Administration Assistant and helps in the Penguins Class. Without this wonderful Best Buddies team-member , daily tasks would become a challenge.

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Cubs Class

Ages: 3 months - 1 year

In the Cub Class your baby will be stimulated according to his /
her age and according to your preferred schedule. There will be
ample time for sleeping, socializing and exploring this new and
wonderful world your baby is still adapting to.

Our environment is secure, kept clean and sanitized throughout
and will provide your little one with the utmost comfort.

Activities offered

• Tummy time play
• Sensory bottles and sensory bags
• Textured hula-hoops
• Ball pit
• Educational Toys
• Story time
• Music ring


Non-Refundable registration fee of R400
Deposit equal to one month of R2000
Monthly fee of R2000

Parents to Supply

  • Nappies.
  • Formula & bottles if applicable.
  • 1x complete set of clean clothes

Bunnies Class

Ages: 2 -3 years

In the Bunnies Class we provide an emotionally supportive
environment to optimize your child’s full potential. We strongly
focus on each child’s physical, socio-emotional, cognitive and
motor development needs while strengthening their
independence and communication skills.

Activities offered

 Class lesson and art activity according to weekly theme
• Free play (Indoor & outdoor)
• Educational Toys
• Story time
• Music ring
• Extramural activities offered: Manners for Minors / Playball / Karate / Dancing


Non-Refundable registration fee of R400
Deposit equal to one month of R3500 / R2500
Monthly Fee of R3500 full day / R2500 half day.

Parents to Supply

A bottle with water/ juice/milk according to your child’s preference
Comfort toy if applicable.
1x complete set of clean clothes